What Is B2B Appointment Setting?

When it comes to sales, there are several different lead generation methods you can use to find prospects and convert them into sales. One of the most common methods is called "appointment setting."

This involves contacting potential clients who have expressed interest in what you have to offer and making an appointment for them to meet someone on your sales team.

Setting appointments for business-to-business (B2B) sales is often more difficult than making an appointment with a consumer. But this article can help give context around what B2B appointment setting is and how you can make an appointment with someone who has the power to buy what you're selling.

What is B2B Appointment Setting?

B2B appointment setting is one of the oldest sales processes, in which an appointment setter contacts a business or company's decision-maker to find out what they need and want.

B2B Appointment Setters scheduling a meeting

Following that, the appointment setter will set up a meeting or schedule a time to chat with them in person. This is commonly accomplished through cold calling, emailing, mailing letters, or any other way that works best for your company (and what each lead prefers).

If the business initially declines, they can always follow up and nurture the leads until they finally agree to meet.

Appointments are especially crucial in the B2B industry since it's not only about making a single sale but also about what you can do with that relationship to help your company with sales development. It's also important to understand what kind of meeting the prospect wants and what type of person they want to meet with.

It's more of a long-term strategy than a short-term win and requires a different approach from what you might use in your personal life.

For example, if you're starting a new company and you want to find people who can help you with what that business needs, then this is what you would be doing!

The B2B Appointment Setter needs to provide all the details about what they need in terms of what sort of meeting and what day and time the meetings are set to make the appointment setting process flow smoothly.

Also read: 8 B2B Appointment Setting Tips To Get More Meetings

Three Main Phases of B2B Appointment Setting

There are three phases of the sales appointment. These are what the salesperson and customer discuss, agreed upon, and end result.


Prospecting is what the salesperson does before they meet with their customer. They attempt to find the person or company that will be most likely to become a future customer.

word prospects written on search bar

Using a prospecting method or tools by a company, the sales representatives create a list that can make up their sales pipeline. Then, they narrow down their list and find the most qualified ones.

The main objective of this stage is to set up a meeting with your customer and discuss what they want, how you can help them achieve it, and what's next for both parties.

Sales Appointment Stage

Once the qualified leads pass by the prospecting stage, B2B appointment setters are now responsible for setting B2B appointments between their company and other businesses, nurturing these leads, and passing them to the sales reps.

appointment word circled on calendar

A company may choose to assign its internal appointment setters or outsource to an appointment setting company instead. No matter what the decision is, the appointment setter should be an effective and excellent prospector who can persuade the leads to set an appointment.

They will then resume prospecting, continually building sales pipelines, and nurturing the leads.

Closing the Deal

Every appointment setter should be responsible for ensuring that only qualified sales leads are passed to a sales rep. Once the appointment is set,  it's time to put everything into action.

handshake after closing the deal

The sales reps will meet with the customers and close the deal. Closing the deal is about putting everything into action when meeting with the customers and following through with what was discussed during the prospecting phase and understanding what will happen after both parties leave from the sales meetings together.

There is no one-size-fits-all approach to what should be discussed during each phase of an appointment. The specifics depend on what you do for a living, how much time the person has been in your pipeline, what type of product or service you offer, and other factors.

appointment setter handling calls

Outsource B2B Appointment Setting Services

Whether you're just starting out or already an established business, you should always look for the best sales process to apply for.

By using a B2B appointment setting service, businesses can reduce the time they need to spend finding leads and focus on what matters most: closing business deals.

You can spend time and other resources in training for your in-house team to effectively manage appointment setting services. But if you're unable to do this on your own, you can always outsource appointment setting company across the United Kingdom.

Appointment Setting UK specializes in outsourcing sales and marketing companies for our clients. We know what it takes to succeed in the sales appointment stage and close deals for our customers.

We can connect you with top-notch appointment setting companies with excellent presentation abilities that can help you book more meetings and make more sales!

What are you waiting for? Contact Appointment Setting UK today!

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