Objection Handling Guide: Overcoming Common Sales Objections

"I'll think about it"

"We are laying off with some purchases right now"

"Isn't that too expensive?

Sales objection is an inevitable part of the sales process. Even if you create the perfect sales pitch, you might still end up with an objection from your prospects.

Some companies might assign an inexperienced sales representative to communicate with prospects. But if they’re not prepared, they could end up losing them.

So instead of hoping that every lead would be interested in what you offer, discover a better way to handle objections.

What is Objection Handling?

Objection handling is a strategy where a salesperson addresses the reason behind an objection. It involves showing empathy, willingness to listen, and providing solutions.

Therefore, every sales rep needs to discover and understand the factors affecting sales objections. These factors may include pricing objection, the value of the product, competitors, among other things.

For instance, if a potential customer has a specific problem regarding the pricing of your product or service, an experienced salesperson will find a way to justify its value. If possible, they can even seek advice from the decision makers of the company to give them reasonable discounts or promos that can alleviate the prospect's concerns.

Pressuring the prospect and being extremely defensive can only worsen the situation and cut the whole sales process short.

So instead of letting go and calling another potential buyer, we listed out the proven ways you can handle objections the right way.

25 Common Sales Objections And How To Handle Them

Sales objections are not just the same-old brush-off reasons that uninterested leads might say to get you off the phone. It usually involves more than that. Here are the most common sales objections that every sales rep faces.

  • Price Objections
  • Fit and Need
  • Competition
  • Authority
  • Common Excuses or Brush-Offs

Common Pricing Objections

Since almost every prospect is keen on pricing, pricing objections is one of the most common objections we've heard from customers.

1. “It’s too expensive.”

This phrase is not the same as the "We don't have the budget" response. They did set aside some budget but, you might haven’t justified the pricing for its value yet.

But if you're going to focus on pricing as your selling point, this might open to argumentative conversation, reducing the chances of you closing a sale. Instead, find out the real concern and focus on the product's value.

Best Way To Handle This Objection

I'd love to show you how (product's name) will help you resolve (pain points) so you don't have to worry about it ever again.

lack of budget to make any purchase like this empty wallet

2. “We don’t have enough budget.”

A prospect might say, "there's no money," implying that even though your product or service might help them, they don't have enough budget to buy them. In this case, you cannot stress or pressure the prospect because they won't be able to afford you.

Best Way To Handle This Objection
  • Let them focus on the end goal and help them understand how your service or product can solve the underlying issue.
  • Keep track of their progress and follow up when you see that the current problem no longer exists.
  • Help your prospect to source out funds from their executive sponsors or partnered companies.

3. "Your product looks great, but the price is too high."

This is another way of telling you to give them a discount. But don't give in just yet. Always circle back to the value of your product or service and how it will help resolve their problem.

Justify the price of your product during this sales conversation. Remember, a bad fit can simply let you go, but a worthy prospect would always think of how their business can benefit in the long run.

Best Way To Handle This Objection

I understand. Allow me to explain the detailed features of our product/service and how it can potentially save you more financial resources in the future.

4. “I need to allocate this budget elsewhere.”

Prospects might have earmarked their resources for other uses, or they just don’t see your product or service as a priority. In this case, it’s your responsibility to make them think otherwise.

Cite some case studies or specific examples of companies who benefited from you and evidence showing they saved more money by doing so.

Best Way To Handle This Objection

We had a customer in a similar situation, but purchasing (insert product or service) increased efficiency and had a massive ROI with us. This enables them to allocate additional resources to other parts of the sales and marketing process.

5. “The ROI potential just isn’t there.”

You cannot blame a potential customer for being sceptical in the decision-making process. You need to show proof of how you can give them the Return of Investment (ROI) they are seeking.

Show the potential value of what you offer and focus on how these can benefit your prospects when handling objections like this.  You can show a case study or similar experiences that managed to receive high ROI after purchasing your products or outsourcing your services.

Best Way To Handle This Objection

For instance, if you are selling a mattress, don't just describe its features. Sell the feeling of what it's like to have a good night's sleep. If you are selling a speaker, don't just tell them how strong the bass is. Sell them the aspect of being able to enjoy their music loud and clear.

Common Sales Objections Among Competitors

Comparisons are probably one of the most challenging objections to combat. Even if you know every detail of your product or service, chances are, some brands would offer a more advanced package for an affordable price.

In terms of pricing and features, there's nothing you can change about that. Instead, shift the way your prospect see the value of your product or service.

6. “We're already working with another vendor."

If your prospect seeks the same products or services from your competitor, this could indicate that they are truly interested in what you offer. And just because a prospect is partnered with another vendor doesn't mean they are already satisfied.

So instead of hanging up and moving on to the next lead, gather more information about their experience teaming up with your competitors. Use this information as an advantage of pitching out how your offer is a better option.

Best Way To Handle This Objection

Why did you choose (competition)? How were they able to provide a solution to your (specific problem)? How would they be able to continue to provide value to your business if (cite instances)? If you don't mind, I'd like to explain how our (products or services) are different and more valuable.

prospect going with another competitor in our business

7. "Competitor X told me (false statement about your product or service)."

According to James Hoffman, a leading consultant in sales management and operation, the best way to debunk this objection is by simply saying, “It’s not true.”

He added that 90% of the time, prospects are going to move forward and ask you follow-up questions. At this time, you should be able to provide information or proof showing that these negative claims are all false.

Best Way To Handle This Objection

Our products are PETA-approved. Every ingredient and material we put into our products are cruelty-free and organic, just like the marked logo shows.

8. “I’m already locked into a contract.”

Kinda sounds like your prospect is financially trapped into a contract that they are not fully invested in. At the same time, this shows that your prospect is undeniably interested in what you offer.

See if you can make a discounted deal to offset breaking the contract earlier or demonstrate long-term financial benefit to make up for the loss that they have to pay for.

Best Way To Handle This Objection

How’s your experience with (competitor) so far? How satisfied are you with their (products or services)? Is there any way I can provide a discount to make up for the cost of ending the agreement earlier and switch working with us?

9. “I can get a cheaper version elsewhere.“

Cheaper doesn't mean quality.

Always convince your prospect that affordable options don't equate to quality. Because if you're offering the same and ordinary products/services, then you could be out of business by now.

Do some detective work and dig in with some comparison. Let them know how your offer is different or even better than cheap alternatives and how it can efficiently resolve their existing problem the way that no one could.

Best Way To Handle This Objection

How do (your product/services) differ from (your competitor's)? Would you mind hearing other features of what we offer so you can compare which one shows the most value and support?

10. "I'm happy with [Competitor X]."

Seems like your prospect is happy partnering with your competitors. That's great, but not for you.

From here, you can look for areas where competitors might fall short. Stress that weak spot and identify how your products could be a better fit.

Best Way To Handle This Objection

I'm glad you're working with (competitor). How does your company benefit from their (products or services)? Maybe you may want to explore your options and see which one could be a better fit.

Sales Objections Under Authority

Some companies use gatekeepers before you can reach out to the decision maker. The best way to pass by them is to develop trust and demonstrate the value of what you offer. Right here, you can easily reach out to people with authority.

11. “I’m not authorized to sign off on this commitment.”

This is not gonna be a problem. Simply ask your prospect for the name of the right person to speak with and ask for their contact details so you can get in touch.

Best Way To Handle Objection

No problem at all. Perhaps I can talk to the right person that has the final decision?

12. The Decision Maker is not convinced.

Time is another valuable factor. If your prospect cannot appreciate the value of your product or services, it’s time to walk away.

Even though it is heart-wrenching to give up a prospect, anticipate that not every lead will be a successful sale.

Best Way To Handle This Objection

That's too bad. I hope we can connect some other time. But if anything changes, please don't hesitate to contact me.

13. “We’re downsizing right now.”

Unfortunately, some businesses just wouldn't last. You may not want to hear about this but it happens more often than not.

It's the end of the road, and there's nothing you can do about it. If this happens to your prospect, it's better if you can let go of them.

But end every interaction professionally and with gratitude, so if your prospect opens up a new business, they'll be more likely to reach out to you.

Best Way To Handle This Objection

I understand. Thank you for the opportunity to work with us. If anything comes up or you need our (products or services), we'd be happy to work with you again.

Sales Objections About Being Not a Good Fit

Being declined or getting rejected is one of the most hurtful things somebody might say. But it’s true that your product or service is not something they particularly need.

To get to the bottom of this, understand where they are coming from and the real reason behind this objection.

14. "I've never heard of your company."

Don't get too rude or excited when you hear these words. Consider it an opportunity to create brand awareness and provide more information that will surely get their attention.

But don't get started with the history. Sharing a quick summary of your value proposition is enough.

Best Way To Handle This Objection

In that case, we're glad to talk to you about our company, (state the name). We offer (product/service) that (state the benefits). We can talk about how we help companies grow revenues and increase ROI.

15. "I don't understand your product."

Prospects may not be familiar with what you offer. They take it as a complex feature and unsure whether it will benefit their company or not.

Sure, you can explain your offer in detail only if you’re highly convinced that you can potentially convert them as a buyer. If not, you might want to consider spending your time with other interesting leads.

But don't give up just yet. Ask your prospects what aspect they are most confused about, and try to explain it concisely. You can even seek help from your teammates you think can help you the most.

Best Way To Handle This Objection

What aspect of the product seems to be confusing? If you like, we can reach out to our (experts, technicians, engineers, and other professionals) to help you better understand what we offer.

customer complaining on phone

16. "I've heard complaints about you from (company)."

It's overwhelming to hear people talk about your company. But when it's negative feedback, this can hurt your reputation.

Instead of defending or falsifying claims about your business, thank your prospect for sharing their feedback and follow-up with an offer to describe the value proposition of your products or services.

The goal is to change the existing viewpoint of your prospect towards your company. This way, it doesn't look like you're being too defensive, yet it provides an opportunity to establish trust and credibility.

Best Way To Handle This Objection

Thanks for letting us know. We will surely get back to you on that. In the meantime, would you be interested to hear the ways on how we can help your business reach its peak?

17. "X problem isn't important right now."

Find out the real priority of your prospect and identify whether it's a real reason that should be set aside or they're just making excuses. Instil a sense of urgency so prospects would know how beneficial your products or services are.

Repeating their statement to sound like a question can move your prospect to elaborate more on their response.

Best Way To Handle This Objection

Oh, really?  What are the priorities of your company as of now?

18. "I don't see what your product could do for me."

It is a little tiring to explain what you offer and its value proposition over and over again. But this could also be a way of asking for more information about what you offer.

You can stress your prospects' pain points and explain how your products and services can solve these problems. You can even cite case studies or social proofs to make it more interesting and factual.

Best Way To Handle This Objection

Is that so? Can you share the specific challenges of your businesses? Our (products or services) can potentially provide a solution.

19. "You don't understand my challenges. I need help with Y, not X."

This is a matter of rephrasing. Re-assure that you understand their situation, apologize for the confusion and restate how your prospects see the challenges. Make sure that you and your prospects are on the same page.

Best Way To Handle This Objection

I apologize for the confusion. Here's what I understand about your challenges, and let me know if I missed something.

Brush-Off Objections

It’s hard to tell if a prospect is not interested, especially if they haven’t heard anything from you yet. If you hear these excuses just to get you off the phone, don’t get easily discouraged,

Instead, keep persisting until you can finally talk to your prospect for a few minutes.

20. "Hangs Up”

Don't get too emotional when your prospect hangs up. It happens to everyone. Instead, wait for a few seconds before you call back.

You can even try a different approach and act as if the call got disconnected. If you hang up again, try reaching out to other people in the company with a different and much better approach.

Best Way To Handle This Objection

I believe we got disconnected. I’d just like to get a few minutes of your time and engage in a highly beneficial conversation.

21. "I'm busy right now."

Everyone is busy. We get that. But how can you approach a 'busy' person to engage in a conversation, even for a short period? Start by acknowledging that they're busy and that you won’t take too much of their time.

If it's not just a brush-off response, arrange for a follow-up call.

Best Way To Handle This Objection

I understand. That's why I won't take too much of your time. Instead, can we have a quick chat about the challenges your business is currently facing and let you know how (your product/service) might help?

prospect not interested in what the salesman is offering

22. "I'm not interested."

The prospecting stage is too early to determine whether your prospect is interested or not. If your prospect says this, immediately arrange for a follow-up call and offer if you can send them an email about your company and the product or service you offer.

Chances are, they will take time to learn more about what you offer and make a purchase.

Best Way To Handle This Objection

I see. Just in case, can I just send you some resources to help you get a better idea of our company and what we offer? We can also arrange a schedule for a follow-up call on days you're most likely to be free.

23. "Just send me some information."

A classic way of brushing you off the phone as if they would certainly read the information you’re about to send.

The best thing to do is to ask which information they would be interested in receiving? Can they mention specific problems that you might help out with?

The answer to these questions can help you shed some light on what kind of information you need to send and how your products or services can solve their problems.

Best Way To Handle This Objection

I'd be happy to send you some relevant information about our company and what we offer. But before that, is there anything you’re particularly interested in learning about?”

24. "Call me back next quarter."

What's the difference between engaging in a conversation today than in the next quarter? What exactly will change?

This response is the same old rejection of a prospect to hang up on you. But don’t let them off the hook easily. This may lead you to discover what they are actively involved in doing or working at. From here, you can think of a way on how to btter pitch in your products and services.

Best Way To Handle This Objection

What’s going to change next quarter?

25. "How did you get my information?"

How would you feel when a stranger contacted you? Wouldn’t you be curious to find out how they got your information? Likewise, prospects could be complete strangers.  Once they asked this question, be honest and share how you got their information.

There are various ways they could have shared their information through email newsletters, trade shows, or networking events, or publicly shared on their website.

The only downside is when you get their contact information randomly, as they may wish not to be contacted again. So instead, say:

Best Way To Handle This Objection

I recently visited your website and thought that our product/service may fit well for your business.

Proven Ways to Handle Common Sales Objections

Overcoming customer objections differs from case to case. Some sales reps may think of it negatively, while top-ranked sales reps see this as an opportunity to learn more about your potential buyer.

So if you want to overcome the objection in any situation, take a look at some of the proven ways in overcoming sales objections.

Make Sure to Listen

One of the most powerful aspects of our communication skills is listening.

Even if you're worried that a prospect may hang up, avoid interrupting or directly correcting their assumptions. Keep the conversation going.

You can even ask open-ended questions to understand their opinion and where they are coming from.  This will show your concern and genuinely want to bring them value.

The more information they share, the more chances you have to convert them into sales.

Acknowledge Prospect’s Concerns

Once you understand what’s holding them back, continue to build trust by empathizing with your prospects. You may acknowledge their concern and offer solutions through your products or services.

Let's say you are selling a communication software that makes it easier for people to connect with other individuals, businesses, or companies outside the country. But your potential buyer is worried if the software is accessible to locations with less signal reach.

You could say, "I understand your concern since there are several places in which phone and data connections are out of reach. But the good news is, our amazing tech team was able to study and come up with a solution to connect with people in these areas.

You don’t need to talk down about what you offer or recommend a competitor’s. At the end of the day, the main goal is to convert a prospect into a customer.

Offer a Solution

Once you entirely understand the situation and their concerns, you can offer a response by giving a recommendation, alternative solution, or the exact thing they are looking for.

Sometimes, they might look for social proof or evidence that shows how your products or service helped other clients. So don't be afraid to leverage one. Share a success story of a customer who had been in a similar situation.

Once you address the concern, you are now one step closer to finalizing the deal.

Confirm you've satisfied the objection

Even if the conversation is going well, you have to make sure that you just didn’t waste time engaging with uninterested leads.

Ask the prospect if you were able to provide a solution to their concerns and move in for the close.

If some of them need time to think it over, give them some space to weigh over their options. But don’t forget to set a specific follow-up schedule, which indirectly gives them a time frame to decide.

Anticipate Sales Objection

The ultimate way you can prepare for an objection is when you anticipate them.  You can plan a probable response and regularly practice its effectiveness. Refine and revise, if necessary.

Even if the potential buyer immediately declines your offer, you can lay out a set of recommendations offering solutions to keep the track going.

The point is, don’t give easily. That's why we recommended a list of responses to the most common sales objections so you can close more sales.

Overcoming Objections In Sales

Salespeople often struggle to overcome sales objections. But it’s a great way to understand your prospect better, find an applicable approach, and offer a valuable solution that addresses their pain points.

However, if sales representatives don't anticipate these inevitable objections and call unprepared, things may not go well.

It’s also essential to distinguish the difference between the real objections and the brush-off responses so you would know how to proceed.

If you did everything you can and you can’t still persuade a customer, it may be a good sign they're a poor fit. So start overcoming objections in sales and stop letting them overcome you.

These objections handling guide comes from the vast experience of our partnered sales representatives based in the United Kingdom. If you want to learn more tips to handle sales calls or even outsource to a lead generation partner, you can take advantage of our free service and we'll connect you to the best lead generation and telemarketing companies in the country.

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